In honor of David performing at the Capitol for the 4th, these beautiful stickers will be the special price of only $4 each, for these 4 days over 4th of July weekend! So if you haven’t yet had the chance, or would like to buy another to gift to a friend (perhaps an int’l fan), here’s an awesome opportunity. You’ll be supporting Rising Star Outreach, a wonderful charity that means a lot to David, and helping the leprosy children fill their new library with books as the new school dedication draws near! You’ll also be sharing with others that David inspires all of us! It’s a very exciting time, just this week through the great support and generosity of so many of you, we were able to send Rising Star Outreach a check in the amount of $1,592.71 for the purchase of books for the new school library in India! With the $335 recently raised through teaming up the stickers with “Project Bearing Kindness”, the total raised to date for the library is now at $1927.71! We’re hoping to sellout the stickers, and get the remaining funds needed for the library soon sent off to RSO. We recently gave David a Certificate on June 2nd at his NYC signing and said we’d give him an updated one during fall tour with an even larger total raised, your full name & state initials (country for int’l fans) will also be included!
To order: go to www.paypal.com to “send money” and make your payment to: DAbumperstickers@gmail.com The price during 7/2, 7/3, 7/4 & 7/5 again will be $4 (in U.S. dollars) for each, Click Purchase of Goods, then Continue onto next page with payment info. Be sure to include your full name & mailing address (including country) to receive your bumper sticker(s). You will receive a confirmation email after your payment has posted. If any questions, please email us at: DAbumperstickers@gmail.com ~
Thank you again for your amazing support of this very worthwhile cause, God Bless!
Stephanie & Danielle
Alguien me puede ayudar con la traducion? soy malisima para traducir!
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