David en MiTRL

David estuvo el martes en la version latina de TRL llamada MiTRL y canto Crush y en la pequeña entrevista que le hicieron menciono a Honduras y a su abuelita!

1 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Hey :)

I'm Filipa Sattut, an archangel from Portugal... I also have a blog to support David in my country (http://davidjamesarchuletafans.blogspot.com/) and I am now a writer on "David Archuleta International" - http://teamarchie.com/international/ .

I am sending you this because I need to report to DAI every great event about David happening in Latin-America, Brazil and Europe... and I would like to ask you to help me on that... I mean... I would love if you reported me the news about David Archuleta happening in your country ... like radio airplay, tv appearances, interviews, etc. so that I could publish it on DAI ... I would really appreciate that :) Only together we can promote him around the globe and contribute for his success... which we all want for sure :)

I hope that you reply to my e-mail: filipa_sattut@hotmail.com

And remember....There's only... ONE WORLD ....ONE LOVE...ONE DAVID...

Take care,


P.S. I understand English, Portuguese (obviously xD lol), French and Spanish... so if you agree to help me on this quest... you can choose from these languages to submit me the news...
