La pregunta de la encuesta pasada era como te gusta el pelo de DAVID y aqui le dejo los resultados! a la mayoria de ustedes les gusta el pelo de David un poco largo!
I am checking in from LA today, and I’ve had some good writing sessions this week already. I worked with Guy Chambers, who wrote Angels with Robbie Williams, and Erika Nuri from The Writing Camp. I also had writing sessions last week with Sam Hollander and Sluggo, who my friend Travis from We The Kings actually told me about because he has worked a lot with them. I also worked with a bunch of other really great writers, who you’ve probably seen me talk about on Twitter. But I actually have another writing session today with the Nexus lol. And I’ll let you guys know how that goes too!
So I was able to go home for a couple of days, and I got to spend time with my family!! Sunday was my cousin’s birthday, and I had all of my mom’s sisters and some of my cousins over visiting from out of town. It was so great getting to have them all there and hanging out with them! A lot of them have birthdays near each other so we just celebrated all of them at once. But family is such a great thing to have, and to have them supporting you and just being there to lift each other up makes a big difference. Having family or friends who are basically family there to do that for you is a huge blessing.
Last night I performed at the BritWeek Gala Event honoring Sir Richard Branson, and was supporting the foundations Save the Children and Virgin Unite. It was a really great night! I was asked to sing Imagine, and then I also sang Prayer of the Children. Nigel Lythgoe had asked me to come sing at the event. It’s funny because I actually ran into him at the Atlanta airport not too long ago, and after I saw him there is when he asked me to come sing. Since he was one of the executive producers on American Idol while I was there, I owe a lot to him for giving me the opportunities I’ve been able to have from the show. He’s a good guy haha. But man, Morgan Freeman was there and I wish I had gotten the chance to meet him! I went to use the restroom and kept getting stopped and talking to people, never really getting time to go over and talk to him. But I think he’s just one of the coolest guys.
In LA there are a lot of signs around saying “April is Earthquake Preparedness Month.” I think it’s really important to remind people about how we need to think about what we would do in an emergency like an earthquake, or any other kind of situation like that. I think it’d be great if you have a family to go through what everyone would do in an emergency, and come up with a plan on how to deal with things. Things like food storage and emergency kits can be so useful in an emergency. I probably sound weird right now lol, but I think with everything happening it’s important to get people thinking about it and being prepared for possible events to happen. Keeping a water supply, non-perishable foods, flashlights, things like that. Just to keep in mind I guess. There are websites you can find out more info on. Here are a couple:
I don’t want to sound like I’m paranoid or anything lol, but you never know what could happen. I’m going to try and get back home for the weekend and just go through things with my family and make a plan too. I remember in school they were talking about how Utah is due for a pretty big earthquake too, and with everything going on right now you never know what could happen.
Well sorry for going off on that, but I’m going to get back into this writing session I’ll tweet later and try to get another blog up next week. Adios!
Song for the day: I Am Not A Robot – Marina and the Diamonds
This is probably my favorite song right now lol. Just really quirky
Hola chicos como ustedes notaran no he actualizado el blog desde el domingo y es porke tengo problemas con mi conexion de internet pero muy pronto lo actualizare asi que no dejen de visitar.
Hola chicos! para los que votaron en la encuesta aqui les traigo los resultado! La cancion que David ha cantado en vivo que mas le gusta es... Crush! con un 60% le gano a las otras y en segundo lugar con solo 3 votos quedo zero gravity :) aqui les dejo un video de David cantando Crsuh en vivo en el Utah Balze asi que disfruten!!
Ya hay una nueva encuest asi que no duden en votar!
Quiere dedicar este espacio para la Mama de David, Lupe que de acuredo a David esta de cumpleaños hoy. Lupe es la maravillosa mama de David quien lo ha aopyado de gran manera durante toda su vida , ella es de origen Hondureño y canta y baila salsa. Gracias a lupe David es una gran persona. Feliz Cumpleaños Lupe! Esperamos que cumplas muchoas años mas y que Dios te bendiga!
David acaba de subir esta foto a si twitter! sale con su amigo Jonah que es un niño de la fundacion "Make a wish" que quiere conocer a un equipo se football americano y David lo lleva a conocer a un equipo de slat lake city!
David aparecio hoy por la mañana en el programa "Good things Utah" y muy pronto les tendermos el video. Por los momentos solo tenemos esta foto que fue tomada de un televisor al momento del programa! y tambien como recordatorio que hoy David se presentara en el "Utah Blaze"!
Hola chicos estamos de vuelta!! si! porfin! sean bienvenidos y nose olviden de visitarnos todos los dias para saber las noticias mas relevantes de nuestro amado David Archuleta
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