Hello David Archuleta Fans!
We are running a Gifting Campaign for David Archuleta's upcoming album. We want to do our part to make sure all of David's fans across all forums and all over the world, receive his album legally. Free downloads do not help David with his commercial success and we all want him to do well!
For his single, you all helped us make the gifting of Crush a huge success! But we are anticipating the gifting of his album to be even bigger. More people know about the campaign now and we are reaching parts all over the world. We have a team of dedicated Archies who are gathering giftees stateside and internationally who will not be able to purchase his album and would otherwise pirate his music. We want to make a real difference for his fans, and for David. The Archuleta family knows about and is appreciative of our campaign. Let's rally together and continue to make them proud. If you'd like to participate, please go to http://teamarchie.com/forum/showthread.php?t=194 where you can read further instructions on how to donate or be gifted. We will be holding auctions to benefit our campaign as well; please readhttp://teamarchie.com/promo/?page_id=72 for more details! If you have questions then please don't hesitate to email us at teamarchie@hotmail.com.
Thanks everybody!
Aqui les dejo una pequeña traducion:
Hola fans de David Archuleta!
Estamos haciendo una campaña para el album de David. Quremos contribuir para que los fans de David alrededor del mundo tengan una copia legal del album. Las descargas del album ilegales no le hacen un bien a David y queremos lo mejor pare el!!
La campaña que hicimos para regalar su sencillo "Crush" fue todo un exito. Pero estamos anticipando que esta campaña va a ser aun mejor. Mas gente sabe de la campaña ahora y estamos llegando apartes de todo el Mundo. Tenemos Archie que no pueden comprar el album y fans internacionales que no pueden aceder a la tienda! y descargaran la musica ilegalmente lo cual no es bueno. Queremos hacer una diferencia para los fans y para David. La familia Archuleta sabe de esta campaña y lo aprecia bastante. sigamos juntos y hagamoslos orgullosos.
si quieres participar entra aqui http://teamarchie.com/forum/showthread.php?t=194 donde puedes leer las instruciones de como donar o recivir un regalo (las instruciones estan en ingles)
si tienes preguntas no dudes en escribirme a archuletahonduras@hotmail.com o al correo de team archie! teamarchie@hotmail.com
Gracias a todos!
si no entiendes ingles comunicate conmigo y yo te traducire las instruciones!! =]
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